Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I can see Taiwan from here.

I live by a beach. Although it’s been rather cool every day, people still love the beach, and so do I.

On the way to the beach, there are random vendors selling fresh food, coconuts, Xiamen maps for Chinese tourists, and sugary-fruit kebabs (I om-nomed a seed and hurt myself but I made sure no one could tell so as not to lose face). They also sell hats with wings on them, and when I asked my Chinese friend, Shelly, about the significance of them, she said, “Can’t you tell they’re just cool?!” I’ll probably end up buying one.

Once at the beach, plastic shovels are sold for the young families that bring their children to the beach to play. Single bikes with one to four seats are available for rent, which I have to dodge while I make my way to the bus to head around town.

The people at the end of this video may have been warning me they were BOOKIN' IT BEHIND ME.

On a side note, I had this for lunch today:

- Kev

1 comment:

  1. what a fun place to live! how is that iced coffee?glad to see you are alive and well!

